Friday, February 1, 2013

Personal Goals

My main reason for taking this course is to see whether I should take engineering courses at Olin or MIT. Will the engineering process appeal to me as much as science does? I'm not sure. I have done some "engineering" type projects for Chris A's research lab, including using SolidWorks to design parts, but this mostly ended in frustration. I want to work on problem solving skills and creative thinking, which overlaps with the course goal of applying an engineering design process. I'm also especially excited about creating models and simulations, a topic that has always fascinated me. I look forward to the hands-on approach and I can't wait to start building things!

PS the title of the blog means "the woman devising" in Ancient Greek (I happen to be a Classics major).

1 comment:

  1. Cool title, and thank you for the translation! Very glad to have you in the class.
